Презентация университета «Texas A&M» и лекция на тему: Американский опыт подсчета запасов углеводородов

29 Март 2011 Прочитано 3923 раз
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Презентация университета «Texas A&M» и лекция на тему: Американский опыт подсчета запасов углеводородов состоится 30 марта 2011 в 18.00 в ауд. 444 Главного корпуса РГУ НГ им. Губкина

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30 марта 2011 в 18.00 в ауд. 444 Главного корпуса РГУ НГ им. Губкина состоится

Презентация университета «Texas A&M» и лекция на тему: Американский опыт подсчета запасов углеводородов

Внимание: лекция на английском языке без перевода

Main Entrance of Gubkin University

Лектор: Dr. W. John Lee

Dr. W. John Lee is best known for his recent publications and presentations on oil and gas reserves regulations and estimation, and production forecasting in unconventional gas reservoirs. He served as an Engineering Fellow with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission during 2007-2008, and provided technical assistance to the SEC in its reserves reporting rules modernization effort. He is the author of three textbooks published by SPE. Dr. Lee was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 1993, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in 2006, and to Georgia Tech's first class of its Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni in 1994. He became an Honorary Member of AIME/SPE in 2001. After receiving BChE, MS, and PhD degrees from Georgia Tech, Dr. Lee worked for the Reservoir Studies Division of Exxon Production Research Company, later he joined and eventually headed Exxon Company. He joined Texas A&M University in 1977 and currently holds the Peterson Chair in Petroleum Engineering.

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