Eni Executive Becomes 2005 SPE President

29 Сен 2005 Прочитано 6260 раз
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All- Note the reference here to Russia! See also Giovanni’s interview in the September issue of the Journal of Petroleum Technology.


realtimenews@SPE: Eni Executive Becomes 2005 SPE President

Wed, Sep 29, 2004 20:03 GMT

HOUSTON – Giovanni Paccaloni became 2005 president of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) during the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held this week in Houston. Paccaloni accepted the gavel from outgoing SPE President Kate H. Baker before an audience of exploration and production professionals at the SPE President\'s Luncheon today.

"I am especially excited about expanding SPE in emerging areas like Caspian, China, Africa and Russia. We have made a wonderful beginning in Russia and are planning a major SPE conference and exhibition in Moscow for 2006," said Paccaloni. "Another personal goal is development of students and young professionals. For these members, I am pleased to announce a new publication named "The Way Ahead," created by and for young E&P professionals, to debut in early 2005."

A 33-year veteran of the oil and gas industry, Paccaloni currently serves as senior advisor at Eni Agip\'s headquarters in Milan. Since joining Eni Agip in 1971, Paccaloni has worked worldwide in various leadership roles, including vice president of R&D and technology planning in 2003; vice president, drilling and production optimization from 2000 to 2002; and vice president, Corporate E&P Laboratories from 1997 to 1999.

Paccaloni is Honorary Professor, Petroleum Engineering Faculty, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. During his career, he has written or co-written several technical papers, including articles published in Journal of Petroleum Technology and SPE Production & Facilities. Paccaloni holds an MS degree in industrial chemistry from the University of Bologna.

The SPE President serves a year-long term beginning and ending at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. The President leads the Society\'s multinational 27-member Board of Directors, which manages and sets direction for the organization\'s programs and services. The President also represents SPE at numerous conferences and speaking engagements around the globe.

Другие материалы в этой категории: 2005-2006 Section Board Election »

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