Applied Technology Workshop: Matrix Stimulation

31 Окт 2005 Прочитано 5272 раз
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Matrix stimulation, in particular matrix acidising, is perhaps the most used, although often overlooked, method to enhance well production or injection and extending the useful life of wells in mature fields. With the broad range of challenging environments found in Russia, from naturally fractured limestones to sandstones with complex mineralogies, it is vital that the industry build and retain a firm foundation of expertise and experience in this area.

This workshop will discuss formation damage mechanisms, candidate selection, a comparison of matrix versus fracture acidising in carbonates, placement techniques including coiled tubing, diversion, practical consideration and QA/QC as well as two special sections on Russian case histories and “exotic” methods. Through presentations and your contribution in discussions, we will review existing and future technologies and current day practices required to optimise matrix stimulation treatments. This ATW provides stimulation and production technologists with the opportunity to discuss problems and issues with industry peers.

Objectives and Deliverables

  • To share best practices
  • To exchange ideas and experiences in the application of technology
  • To discuss barriers to developing, using, and exploiting technology
  • Identify and recommend best practices in the application of technology in order to manage mature fields profitably
  • To open the mind set for new business drivers and emerging business models

Who Should Attend
The workshop is a limited attendance meeting for up to 70 people, designed for professionals in the oil and gas industry who apply modern management techniques and latest relevant technology to boost productivity and recovery from mature or maturing reservoirs. The workshop is aimed at people whose principal job area falls into any of the following categories:

  • Stimulation Specialists
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Asset Management
  • Project Management
  • Geosciences & Reservoir Engineering
  • Facilities Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Well Engineering

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