Currently, the methods of marker (tracer) diagnostics, which allow obtaining qualitative and quantitative data on the operation of well intervals without performing downhole operations, are becoming more common in the world. The principal difference between these technologies and traditional well logging methods (GIS) is the ability to monitor the operation of multiple hydraulic fracturing or well intervals over a long period of time with a significant decrease in the resources involved, a reduction in costs and an increase in production safety.
Well studies using marker technologies can improve the efficiency of diagnostics of inflows in wells when developing oil and gas fields and solve a number of important tasks, such as: ∙ evaluation of the well flow profile after the multi-stage hydraulic fracturing; ∙ evaluation of the performance of each step in water and oil; ∙ optimization of technical solutions for well completion in the early stages of field development; ∙ analysis of potential long-term fluid recovery; ∙ obtaining detailed information for analyzing the mutual influence of neighboring wells; ∙ obtaining information on the dynamics of production of the oil reservoir area.
Also, in addition to an alternative GIS method, technologies for marking downhole equipment can be used for flow measurement data in the WEM layouts and in monitoring the integrity of the packers. The key topic of the report is the methodology for integrated assessment of the efficiency, reliability and accuracy of work for various marker technologies available on the market. Often, oil and gas companies decide on the use of marker technologies without any testing or testing, based only on the reputation of the supplier, the duration of its presence in the market or value. The reason for this may be the lack of standardized test methods, as well as experience in sharing best practices between subsoil users. At the same time, marker technologies are a relatively new field of activity in the field of well studies, therefore, it is necessary to approach the assessment of technologies on the basis of objective indicators.The report presents the results and methodology of testing various marker technologies that can be used as technical criteria when choosing a contractor for marker research.
About Author:

Ovchinnikov Kirill Nikolayevich has extensive experience in the field of downhole operations, coiled tubing services, hydraulic fracturing and oilfield service equipment He is an expert in the field of safety and quality of field operations, standardization of business processes and implementation of quality management systems.
He has many years of industrial experience in leading international service and mining companies in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Egypt, Australia and Russia. MBA with a degree in Management in the Oil and Gas Industry (Curtin University, Australia) and a master’s degree at the RSUGU. Gubkin specialty "Oil and gas business." Member of the Program Committee of the Russian Oil and Gas Technical Conference SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers), member of the Eurasian Union of Subsoil Use Experts (ESAS).