ESP-RIFTS: Electric Submersible Pump-Reliability Information Failure Tracking System

15 Фев 2005 Прочитано 6450 раз
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The majority of oil production in TNK-BP operations is delivered by means of artificial lift through application of electrical submersible pumps. Thus ESP performance and reliability are highly leveraging towards the outcome of the companys business per

The majority of oil production in TNK-BP operations is delivered by means of artificial lift through application of electrical submersible pumps. Thus ESP performance and reliability are highly leveraging towards the outcome of the company’s business performance. The ESP-RIFTS system provides technical analysis tools and a consistent approach to predicting ESP mean time between failure performance as well as analyzing specific ESP component failure trends with the aim of increasing mean time between failures. ESP-RIFTS also allows benchmarking of ESP performance against that of other operators around the world as well as within separate performance units/oilfields in the same company’s operations.

About the Author

George M Hefley (Mike) has 34 years of experience in the ESP industry from working on the rig floor to 22 years of employment by Centrilift, a Baker-Hughes company to his current employment by BP. Mike is currently seconded to TNK-BP operations in the role of supporting production operations with a focus on improving ESP performance and production optimization. Before Mike’s posting toRussia, he worked in BP’s operations on the North Slope of Alaska in various positions. Namely artificial lift coordinator with responsibility for performance of a large number of ESP’s and daily production of +60,000 BOPD at BP’s Milne Point Unit. Subsequent to those responsibilities, Mike assumed the duties of the well operations supervisor at Milne Point with responsibility for daily field production and workover operations.

Mike is currently a member of the SPE. He currently serves as an active member of the SPE Gulf Coast Section ESP Roundtable Committee.

Mike’s interests include the pleasures of life with his wife of 30 years, his children and grandchildren in Alaska and the cultural aspects of the opportunity to live and work in Russia.

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