SPE DL - Impact of Petrophysics on Reducing Uncertainty in Assessing Hydrocarbon Pore Volumes

20 Апр 2005 Прочитано 6380 раз
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Об Авторе

Александр Кузнецов


Petrophysics, using leading edge technology has had a profound impact on the integrated reservoir studies that Saudi Aramco uses to reduce the uncertainty in hydrocarbon pore volume estimates. Experienced, multidisciplinary teams have been assembled to apply geological, geophysical and petrophysical technology to perform fully integrated reservoir studies, which will accurately define the pore volume base of Aramco’s reservoirs. In the past few years, Aramco has implemented a major program to review existing Special Core Analysis studies and perform new petrophysical studies wherever deemed necessary. These data were interpreted to define and characterize rock types and then integrated with other geological and production data to better define the storage and flow capacity/characteristics of the reservoir. This presentation will discuss the multiple techniques used in this integrated approach with an emphasis on petrophysical techniques. Some of the examples that are described in this presentation are log-to-core calibration, saturation estimations using electrical property measurements, capillary pressure and saturation height functions and reservoir cutoffs techniques.


Special Core Analysis studies are used to characterize fit-for-purpose rock types; which may address problems of flow, saturation, residual oil saturation and water cut for examples. The petrophysical parameters associated with each rock type are then used to integrate core, log, performance, geological and simulated performance.  Rock types tied to the geology and saturations are then distributed throughout the 3D Geocellular model using saturation-height models for an accurate estimate of hydrocarbons in place. Implementation of new technology such as NMR and ECS coupled with these advanced petrophysical models are very useful in relating core based petrophysical properties to reservoir scale attributes; lithology, reservoir quality, movable and bound fluids, transition zones and productive intervals for hydrocarbon production. This petrophysical approach to our integrated studies has resulted in substantial amount of hydrocarbon pore volume revisions for many of our reservoirs.


About the Author


Hussain joined Aramco in 1984 with a BSc. in Geology from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals. Through his career in Aramco, Hussain has been rolling over from one task to the other marking good track of technical excellence and leaving behind him very good impressions. His technical backgrounds cover a number of disciplines such geology, geophysics, petrophysics, and reservoir management. His firm ground of technical accomplishments starting early in his career, such as his invented ‘lithofacies from open hole logs’ program.  In the past ten years Hussain has been charged with different management assignments in both reservoir characterization and exploration drilling operations.  His vast technical experience and his good knowledge about the large numbers of oil and gas fields in the kingdom made him the management choice to head Aramco’s Reserves Assessment Division handling it’s unprecedented intensive gas and oil reserves replacement program, a position that he still holding until today.

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