Российская нефтегазовая техническая конференция SPE 2015.

26 Окт 2015 Прочитано 9207 раз
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(2 голосов)
  • Начало: 26 Окт 2015, 10:00
  • Тип Мероприятия: Конференция
  • Продолжительность: 3


SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. Register for training courses and topical luncheons.

There are 47 day left before the conference starts*! Don't miss your chance to register!

Dear colleagues and friends!

With less than two months to go, you still have a chance to register for the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference, taking place 26-28 October 2015, in Moscow. Join us at the leading regional oil and gas event for an opportunity to participate in discussions about the industry’s present and future with E&P experts and peers. This year, SPE offers an extended technical program at the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference that will include plenary and panel sessions, 22 technical sessions, topical luncheons, round tables, and even more.


We would like to focus your attention on the topical luncheons and training courses. Participation in topical luncheons will give you an opportunity to discuss with your peers the most relevant topics, such as:

SPE training courses are also offered in conjunction with the conference:

Registration is open on the conference website. If you have any questions concerning registration, please contact us Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..


* There will be no onsite registration.

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